Alison's Blog

Blog Post 1
• What does it mean to network using social media?

It represents the constant interpersonal interaction between people by using social media platforms. This platform can be in various forms, like Twitter, personal blogs, Facebook and Instagram, etc (Gutierrez). Since technology and science develop rapidly,  this platform now can overcome the limitations of different timezones and locations. People can be connected by the network more easily to the internet. People can communicate, share pictures/experiences/stories, and learning from each other(Gutierrez). This connection is especially important during nowadays COVID-19 pandemic situation. People are no longer isolated at home, and get connected by this network in the internet world. Also, the network provides people with a larger range of people to interact with. These people can be different in their countries, ages, and professionals. We can always learn from all these various experiences.

• How are we motivated to participate in networked publics?

There are several reasons for people to be motivated in participating in network publics. First, our society and the global economy changes as technology develops nowadays. AI technology and automatic factories are common methods for production (Rajagopal et al.). Lifelong learning is now a necessary skill for people to practise with. In this learning process, the network can provide enormous resources online for people to learn new knowledge and experiences to achieve their goals and live a better life in society. Learning only from school (academically) is no longer enough for the new changing era. Secondly, participate in networked publics help people expand knowledge from various resources and experts (Gutierrez). It also provides the most recent updates of the field you are interested in from the professionals (Gutierrez). Learning, sharing experiences and interacting with people can be more convenient and efficient for networked publics.

• What are the risks & rewards of public communications?

As previously mentioned, the reward of public communication can include helping people gain information easier and in a wider range. And publics can learn more knowledge with professionals overcome geography and timezone boundaries from the internet. However, the shortcomings of public communication are that sometimes our privacy will be invaded by the network companies (Boyd 2). The advertisements of the network companies show us is from algorithms that can predict and analyze our activities (Boyd 2). Many people chose to ignore the invasion of privacy, but there are potential negative impacts. For example, some companies sell users’ data for money, and users will receive tons of harassment phone calls.



Boyd, Danah. “Networked Privacy.” Surveillance & Society, 22 December 2012. society/article/view/networked/networked. Accessed 20 January 2021.

Gutierrez, Karla. “What are Personal Learning Networks?” SHIFT, 21 June 2016. Accessed 20 January 2021.

Rajagopal, Kamakshi, et al. “Understanding personal learning networks: Their structure, content and the networking skills needed to optimally use them.”

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  1. jstruch January 21, 2021

    Thank you for your post Alison. I really connected to your comment on how, “This connection is especially important during nowadays COVID-19 pandemic situation. People are no longer isolated at home, and get connected by this network in the internet world.”

    We are in a time when isolation brings on mental health risks and the need to connect is stronger than ever. Social networking gives us the ability to share our feelings, interests, needs and personal professional ideas with others. If we did not have this network, we could feel alone, lost without a purpose and believe that we have no one to support us.

    Networking and public commons are allowing peoples’ current needs to be met in both professional and personal ways. During this pandemic, it has been incredibly useful for both.

    One thing that I acknowledge a lot during the pandemic is how resilient and innovative humans can be. I love seeing how different platforms have been created to make online trivia nights or escape rooms possible, or how new communication tools have been created, enhanced and used.

    Thank again for your post and reminding me of how we truly are connected even when we may, at times, feel as though we are not.

    • alisonjiang January 22, 2021 — Post author

      Hi Jayne!

      Thank you for visiting and replying to my blog! I really enjoyed reading your feedback❤️

      One thing I really enjoyed (and being thankful) about social networking is that people also start sharing positivity and kindness during this hard time. We can still learn and share our feelings, even though we are not able to actually see each other. I am so glad that we can still share our thoughts in this pandemic world!

      Wish you have a great day!


  2. brownsugar January 22, 2021

    Hello Alison, I really enjoyed reading your blog. I see that you, like myself, drew your reasoning and support from the required readings for the week. I liked reading your take on the risks of public communications. It is very odd that data is collected regarding us and our interests daily but like Boyd states, it is only rarely discussed or mentioned. Something I wanted to point out is that you forgot to mention the ‘rewards’ of public communications in question 3. Although you have done a great job of pointing them out in the first two questions, I think a few sentences summary is all you need.


    • alisonjiang January 22, 2021 — Post author

      Hi Hav!

      Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog 1😄! I truly appreciate the kind mention about the “reward” part! I surely will make adjustments to that answer later! Your advice and encouragement meant a lot to me!

      Wish you have a wonderful weekend!


  3. patricia g January 23, 2021

    Hi Alison! I enjoyed your post 🙂 I explored a few of the insights you made.

    ‘Lifelong learning is now a necessary skill for people to practise with.’

    This is interesting to consider, how has this come to be the standard expectation of individuals, has it always been this way? During this time especially people have adapted to a changing circumstance where once was a dine-in restaurant, now a take-out storefront, what was once the University experience has translated to screens.

    ‘Learning, sharing experiences and interacting with people can be more convenient and efficient for networked publics.’

    I like the idea of seeing networked publics as something that can be more convenient and efficient. Will we move towards this being the preference? I suppose the in person networking that is not possible at the moment can be uncontrolled, take more time yet possibly build more dynamic and connected contacts.

    ‘This connection is especially important during nowadays COVID-19 pandemic situation. People are no longer isolated at home, and get connected by this network in the internet world.’

    I wonder how COVID-19 changed person to person their relationship with the internet and their PLNS. It seems that we collectively are online more, which could lead to more opportunity to build a network as we are all … online and perhaps with more free time to see and engage in messages normally too. However, since we are all online, is it harder to make an impact? On another note, boundaries between life and online life may be evolving as learning, connecting, entertainment and reading online being activities centers around the internet.

    • alisonjiang January 30, 2021 — Post author

      Hi Patricia!

      Thank you so much for commenting on my post! Wow, I really enjoyed reading your feedback!!! I am so glad that even in this most challenging pandemic time, we can still be able to connect online with each other and share our thoughts! Personally speaking, I prefer face to face interaction more than online discussion. People can not effectively read others’ tones and facial expressions to understand the conversation in the online discussion formats. However, it can at least help us not isolated in our own house and help us to get back to our life asap! I really like how people use PLN and other social media to share their positivity, encouragements and thoughts!

      Wish you have a wonderful weekend!


  4. chloeyao January 23, 2021

    I read your answers and they seem to be extremely relevant in the situation like COVID-19. The use of public connection and people searching for finding the common spaces to discuss their likes and dislikes. Your answers are well researched and highlight the main points related to the article. I really enjoyed reading your blog post and looking forward to going through the work cited for getting more information about the public network connection.

    • alisonjiang January 30, 2021 — Post author

      Hi Chloe!

      Thank you for visiting and replying to my blog! I am so happy that you enjoy reading my post! I am so glad that we can communicate in this pandemic world!

      Wish you have a great day! 🌸


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